Terry Burnett reports from the Savannah Games which were held on the weekend of May 4th.
Terry was really pleased to meet twin brothers, Brian and Brent Burnett, who have been competing for 20 years (they are 37) in the athletics at the various highland games. They are from Florida so mostly compete there, and as the Burnetts were doing the parade of tartans on Saturday, Brent suddenly jumps out of the crowd and asks if he can march with us.
Brian and Brent are clearly great promoters of the name of Burnett as can be seen from their tattooed biceps below. They will be in Greenville over Memorial Day and plan to compete in Scotland in 2021.
If there are any other Burnetts who are thinking of competing at Greenville or at any other Highland Games, please let themselves known
Brian (in black shirt) and Brent.
John Burnett Shivas and his wife
Tom Burnett
Sybil Parsons and her husband
Kathy Duncan
Glasgow Games
The Glasgow Highland Games were held at Barren River State Park on May 31-June 2
Jim Burnette, Richard Holman Baird, Leland Burnett and Phil Mills-Bishop of Clan Baird
Leland Burnett was the convenor with Lt. James Burnett assisting with the duties. Leland’s daughter Bobbie, son-in-law Chuck and granddaughter and great granddaughter also helped greatly. They all helped even though Leland’s daughter, son-in law, granddaughter and great granddaughter were involved in a serious accident that turned their car over about 2 miles from the games. They were not hurt other than several bruises with a lot of soreness. It was a great relief that there were no serious injuries The House of Burnett won the most generations present with Leland’s family!
There were forty two clans represented and the House of Burnett was the Honored Clan.
Jim Burnette and Gary Burnett