Burnett Gathering

Visitors to Crathes 2024

Burnetts visiting Crathes are welcome at any time and, if possible, we would be pleased to meet them and assist in making their visit more memorable. If you plan to come to Crathes, please advise of details of your visit and any relevant information to info@leysestate.co.uk and we will try to make your visit as memorable as possible.

Whilst all must make their own plans for travel and accommodation during their stay, there will be a short programme of activity during the week ending on the first Saturday in August which is the day of the Aboyne Highland Games. The scale of any event will relate to the interest.

Further details will be available in due course but will include the following for 2024.

Wednesday p.m. July 31st Welcome dinner

Thursday August 1st a.m. Visit Crathes Castle (guided tour) and Gardens.

Visit to the Loch of Leys and Tour and Lunch at Aberdeenshire Highland Beef

Evening – Croquet on the Lawn at Crathes Castle

Friday August 2nd – no set programme

Saturday August 3rd – buffet lunch at the Burnett tent at the Aboyne Highland Games

Further events and activities and can be arranged according to demand and numbers. Anyone who plans to visit at that time, should advise us at an early date.

For general details, see VISITORS GUIDE on this website


A huge Burnett ‘thank you’ to the 200 + people who joined us for the 2023 Burnett Gathering in Crathes.

A packed week of activities were organised to mark the 700th anniversary of the Burnett of Leys family staying in the Crathes area and it did not disappoint.

From day trips across Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen City to ceilidhs, castle tours and distilleries, our visitors enjoyed a sample of everything that Scotland has to offer visitors.

As we recover from the 2023 event, we are reviewing how best to deliver future Burnett Gatherings in Crathes and will share news with  you all when we have it.

In the meantime, you can visit our gallery page to see images from the 2023 Burnett Gathering and our Crathes-based 700th anniversary celebrations. Can you spot any familiar faces?