As for his recreation, he should be accustomed to all manly ones, such as hunting, hawking, shooting archery, fishing, riding horses, and the like; but it will be sitt his governour goe with him to these, and converse much more with him, no more as a boy but as a man. He should be also studying to weanne him from all fondness of these exercises, and teach him to use them only as recreations, not making them his work or delight.
For handling his arms, it is true the Romans begun their youth with this early: for at fourteen they laid aside their pretexta or youthly garb, and got a shield given to them, and so were trained up in feats of armes and mock fights. But I like better the custome of the Cartheginians, who suffered not their youths to handle armes, till they were past twenty; and it feeds arrogance and exposeth them too much to contention, to begin them so soon with this.
As for making visits, he should doe it but seldome; for frequency in this is the greatest inlet to idleness imaginable.
He should also be further improven in any of these pleasant things he is inclined to; such as musick, mechanicks or the like.
For correcting him, that must be no more thought upon; for now must he be governed by reason. But the best way to make reproofs goe deep into his heart, is in private to expresse great sorrow to him for his faults: for this natively done must pierce him through, if he be not of a savage temper; and if he be of ane ingenuous nature, some tymes to give up with him, telling him that he no more to be spoken to, will prick him very sensibly.
And so much for the way for managing a youth, till he be eighteen or nineteen yeeres o9f age; and after this age his governour shall lay downe that name and converse with him as his friend and not his pupil; whereby may be his directions shall be more regarded.
He must still goe on with the chieffe care, improving him further in the understanding of divine matters and Scripture; and must be giving him clear and rationall accounts of his faith; that so he may not receive his beleefe as a mere traditionall matter, but taught to build his persuasions upon rationall foundations.
He must also teach him to be observing what discoveries of God appear in all his works and waies, thereby using him to serious reflexions of what events occure; that by all things that emerge he learne to admire God: and this is the chieffe and highest part of our fellowship with the Father and his Son Jesus Christ. He should also presse him much to devotion; about which at this age youths doe often become cool and slack. A humble reverence and love to God, should be carefully recommended; and he should be often remembered of his defects therein.