Next a noble generosity of mind should be much preached to him; that he look not at mean or base things, such as riches, honours, or secular greatness; but make virtue and noble goodness his chieffe design.
He must also infuse in him a love of his countrey, and duty to his prince; and that he abhorre broils and incendiaries; that he listenes not to any tatles against these in authority, especially of the king. To infix this temper deeply, in young nobility, may prove a notable mean to keep the countrey peaceable, loyall, and quiet; and to drive away factions, and base self seeking from grandees.
He must also recommend modesty much to him, and a hatred of lust and all impurity; and that the rather if he be robust and hot blooded.
But after and above all, he must give him many a lecture of humility and self distrust; for at this age begin youths to dwell with a high opinion of themselves, and a value of their own parts, joined with a contempt of others; and this, if not overcome, will deface all the beauty of this fair superstructure. For I account ane opiniastrous and self willed youth almost quite lost. He should therefore often be told what a poor thing man is; how little he knows or can doe; and how low at best he is but one of God almightie his tools; as also how small a matter learning is in itselfe, how valuable soever it be, compared to other things; how few things wee know; how all knowledge pierceth no deeper than the surface of things; how impossible it is for a youth to know how to govern himself. These things must he hear upon both ears.