I hope the holidays found everyone safe & healthy this past year. My name is Audrey Trawick & I am happy to be sending all of you a wonderful Newsletter, regarding all things Highland related in my life. I hope you will all enjoy the update.
As the holidays rolled around toward the end of 2020, I wanted to do something that would create a small impact. I discussed the idea with my instructor Elizabeth Constantine about creating a small First Responder Tribute Video. The reason I put this video together was because I really felt that all the First Responders have really been battling against a lot of social media opinions & negativity. My goal wasn’t to ruffle any political feathers, but rather give credit where I felt credit was deserved.
With all the hardships that had befell us due to COVID-19, I felt the need to publicly thank all the Doctors, EMT’s, Fire Fighters, Police officers, Nurses, Medics, and other First Responders for their dedication and service to the American people. It has been a long and extremely difficult year for them especially. I have both friends & family who work as First Responders & it was extremely hard to watch them navigate through the new & uncertain stresses of their jobs early on. I wanted all the First Responders to know that they weren’t alone & that there was a community who supports their many sacrifices efforts.
If you haven’t had the opportunity to watch the video, I will post a link in this Newsletter. Feel Free to access it & share it with any First Responders you may know. It’s not perfect but hopefully you will see that it’s the thought that counts.

Link: https://fb.watch/3g0gcm-HzC/
With all the Highland Dance Championship competitions & Events cancelled for the year, it was increasingly difficult to find performances to attend. However, I am very excited to tell you that I was invited to The MZ Studio outdoor winter performance, just last week, to show case one of our Scottish National dances at their event. I’m not going to lie; it was ton of fun to be back up on stage again and I look forward to it again as ScotDanceUSA continues to work hard toward moving competitions online this season.
In the meantime, I am working hard in my studies. This year I am focusing on taking my National Aboyne Teacher’s level test exams. This exam is a lot like my Highland Teacher’s exam but focusses on the Scottish National or female dances. I plan to take this exam in 5 different smaller broken-down exams…which will help prepare me for my overall National’s Teacher’s test, which I hopefully plan to be ready to take by the end of the 2021 year. It’s a lot of information to retain which is why my teacher has suggested that I take the 5 different level exams first, to better help me prepare for my overall exam.
I am also excited with the possibility to take my National Medal’s test online with a Highland Adjudicator. I have actually never taken a National Medal’s test and would really welcome the feedback from an Adjudicator. My goal is to pass with a score of Commended or Highly Commended. This will help me prepare for any competitions that will be held online or in person. Crossing our fingers that the USIR in Jacksonville, Florida will still continue as planned this year for 2021. I hope to many of you all there!
I know this past year has been challenging to all of our Clans & Scottish Organizations. Please know that I am here and willing to help if possible. You have been such a support & inspiration to me over these past few years & I am gladly looking for ways to give back to the communities which I hold dear in my heart.

Wishing you all a very safe, healthy, & prosperous community year!
Sincerely & affectionately,
Audrey N. Trawick
Tampa Bay Highland Dance Instructor, Scottish Performing Arts & Competitive Dancer.